Sprinkler Tanks

What? Sprinklers in ALL homes?

What? Sprinklers in ALL homes?

New regulations in the US often go on to be implemented by other countries, including the UK. That is why Nationwide Water Solutions Limited, one of the UK’s leading suppliers of sprinkler tank products and services, predicted sprinklers could one day be a feature of building and fire safety regulations here, across the pond. Are you worried sprinklers will have to be fitted in all homes? Read on…

Unfortunately, it took the loss of multiple lives and real outrage to make the British government look again at fire safety regulations. The impact of the Grenfell Tower fire tragedy is now being felt. As a Government review considers what changes may need to be made to make buildings safer, reports are coming out from independent bodies that suggest every residential property in the UK should be fitted with sprinklers.


Will it ever happen?

The cost of retrofitting sprinklers in every property in England means it is unlikely, in our opinion, that all homes will be compelled to have sprinklers. However, it is looking ever-more likely that certain properties will be required to have sprinklers within the next five years.

In our estimation, we believe the following types of property will have to be retrofitted with sprinklers:

  • High-rise blocks of flats
  • Care homes
  • Some council and housing association properties accommodating vulnerable tenants, such as the elderly
  • Some public buildings


Nationwide Water Solutions Limited believes the following types of new builds are likely to require sprinkler systems in the medium-term future:

  • New builds over a set number of storeys
  • All new schools
  • New care homes


Why is this happening?

The tragic loss of life at Grenfell Tower has highlighted the need to bring fire safety and building regulations up to a higher standard. Failings at the London blaze illustrated how current precautions are not working. People are dying because modern fire protection equipment is not being installed.


What should I do now if I own homes?

If you represent a social housing provider, school, developer, are a private landlord or own a care home, plan ahead. You need to budget for a sprinkler system. If you want to know more about sprinkler tanks and the role they play in delivering water to sprinkler heads, talk to Nationwide Water Solutions. Worried that your sprinkler tank has not been inspected in the past 12 months? Book an inspection today.